[14:19:13.6661391] [Info :Poltergeist] Interacting locally with RadarBoosterDevice(Clone)
[14:19:13.6671526] [Error : Unity Log] IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array…
**Core Concept/Theory**
We would need a clear and concise description of the concept. For example, It would be cool if [...]
This is the issue ticket for keeping track of the netcode related to th…
please for the love of god save this innocent game from the evil clutches of directplay
firstly, thanks for @sschmid share this useful ecs framework. it's amazing and wonderful. and i'm look forward to the entitas 2.0
Recently i'm study enttias and plan to refactor my soccer game with…
I've wired up the server so that Ctrl+C will trigger a graceful shutdown, which means:
- Stop listening for new connection requests
- Disconnect all players
- Save their data in my database
### Description
When disconnecting while running as a host, with at least one connected client, an ObjectDisposedException is thrown, causing further network functionality to not work as intended.
When pulling the switch to go to a moon the game stuck on random seed and have to close the game.
`[Info :LethalLevelLoader] Setting Random DungeonFlows!
[Warning:LethalLevelLoader] Disabling Le…
### Description
Error on client side after connect:
KeyNotFoundException: The given key 'Unity.Netcode.ConnectionRequestMessage' was not present in the dictionary.
### Reproduce Steps
- Scene …
I am facing this issue on Netcode 2.0 on Unity 6, i know there is a similar existing issue which was closed, but it was on different version so this might be a different problem,
At first i thought i…
### Description
When a client join a game this error is showing, but only on 1.9.1 not on 1.8.1.
The client is not spawning any network prefab.
No other issue than this one at the same time.