NW's example is at https://gist.github.com/nickywright/f53018a8eda29223cca6f39ab2cfa25d
Within the pre-workshop we plan to have a tutorial covering topics regarding geophysics / seismology (see Tutorial 4 in the schedule table at https://hackmd.io/JtJP8TyNQBiEUNGHZwfhhg#Schedule). This i…
I just found that the drop-down menu for selecting the version on the PyGMT website disappears when having "dev" selected. I think this is somehow new and is still not the case for the GMT website (ht…
Let's take the documentation of `Figure.plot` (https://www.pygmt.org/dev/api/generated/pygmt.Figure.plot.html#pygmt.Figure.plot) as an example. Currently, we use different ways to write bullet point l…
This issue is for discussing the full-day workshop schedule and logistics. We'll have 8.5 hours (including breaks) to fill with a mix of GMT and PyGMT course materials.
👉 **Draft outline**: https:/…
### Description of the problem
I have been having difficulties using the option 'maxradius' in pygmt.surface.
I had this problem using data with x and y data in projected coordinates (utm
See https://forum.generic-mapping-tools.org/t/plotting-points-out-of-90-degree-range/5479 for the initial issue report.
To reproduce the issue:
import pygmt
fig = pygmt.Figure()
### Setup:
- [ ] `.command` file to set common options? Projection, limits, color schemes, background
### Figures for any celeri run:
- [ ] All velocity contributions (6 panel)
- [ ] Slip rates us…
waiting for DM's confirmation...