I created a simplest net to learn the division "/" function (input is A and B, label is A/B). However, when I try to run the trainer, it hang forever. If I do `killall caffe`, I see that it's waiting …
could you extend the UART with parity bit?
@bitluni Matthias, it is possible to use DAC Channel 2 also?
I see this in your code but i didnt get the glue how you adress this in
> const ulp_insn_t mono[]
//initialize DACs
#### Version
Coq 8.8.0, ocamlopt 4.02.3
#### Operating system
#### Description of the problem
Running [this file](https://github.com/JasonGross/fiat-crypto/blob/20e855ef4b234e5fcb…
#### Version
#### Operating system
#### Description of the problem
In the attached file [bug_bad_extr_00.v.txt](https://github.com/coq/coq/files/2228724/bug_bad_extr_00.v.tx…
So I tried to compile Nitrogen with "make install" and I get the following error.
The following build commands failed:
CompileC build/Nitrogen.build/Release-iphoneos/Nitrogen.build/Objects-no…
Minimized File /github/workspace/builds/coq/coq-failing/_build_ci/fiat_crypto_legacy/src/Primitives/EdDSARepChange.v (from ci-fiat_crypto…
一直用主服务器VMESS和Netflix 分流服务器SSR,没有问题。
因为机场更新协议,VMESS取消改为TROJAN,新增加编译了TROJAN支持后,主服务器TROJAN和Netflix 分流服务器SSR,路由器就陷入无限重启,CPU占用率和系统负载非常高。
Dear SHARC developers,
I am new to using SHARC and after installing it I got some errors running the QM/MM tests with the ORCA-Tinker 6.3.3 interface.
I compiled Tinker using the Molcas 'get_tinke…
5.4.132 CPUmark 13000多
5.4.175 最新的CPUmark只有8000多了