We have a very big design nearly 100 files to analyze. When we attempted to run the simulation, it quit before executing the run simulation command of ghdl. By using GDB(GNU project debugger) it came …
Hello, I've seen in this page here https://polyfem.github.io/json_defaults_and_spec/ that quasistatic simulation is a possible feature, but i get "warning: Inconsistent specifications: /time/quasistat…
I want to simulate the sintering process (powder compaction + sintering ) at a granular scale. There is some work available by using multi-particle FEM (MPFEM). I want to develop this model in Kratos.…
Is it possible to connect uuv_simualtor simulation with moos-ivp,goby3(moosdb)?
thank you.
Fluent simulations for 3:1, 4:1 tangent ogive nosecone (6" base diameter)
I'm running 2 autonomous vehicles on the same simulation to test a cooperative autonomous driving scenario. But I can't understand if those vehicles can see each other or not and stop if one vehicle i…
Can you fit a line through the n vs k optimal to come up with a simple formula for suggesting a value of k given a sample size?
Currently test() and in the most tasks therefore solve is run, when the solution is selected from the dropdown menu. And if the solve method does some none blocking checks on the simulation, they are …
SEBA finaliza la simulación con un kill del proceso desde el propio sistema operativo (*NIX), lo cual inhibe la funcionalidad de MESA que reproduce la simulación en bucle el nº de veces especificado.