The readme says “I intend that you that you can use Skeleton_World to build a hack and sell it”, but the CC BY-NC 4.0 license explicitly prohibits commercial use.
To fix, either the “I intend…” sen…
Предлагаю изменить тип лицензии, т.к CC больше используется не для программного кода, а для произведений таких как книги, музыка, картины. Для программного кода лучше использовать более подходящие лиц…
컨트리뷰터가 8분이나 있는 상황에서 라이센스 생각을 못하다니...
는 CC BY-SA나 CC BY-NC-SA 혹은 MIT 생각 중인데 어떻게 생각하시는지요?
The search engine shows filters for licenses under different names, whcih are actually the same "CC0", "public domain", "CC0 1.0"
We should make sure only one of them appears in the search filters.
Hello, you set license of this project to GPL which allows commercial use but original license is non-commercial see https://github.com/yisol/IDM-VTON/issues/13
so both are not compatible in my opini…
The license should appear on the footer of every page.
It should be CC-BY-SA for every page except for the Project Euler content which is CC-BY-NC.
misskeyのアセットリポジトリはmisskeyのロゴやマスコットなどを「一括して」CC BY-NC-SAライセンス( creativecommons.orgでの説明: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.ja )として配布している一方、マストドンやプレロマなどの様々なfediverseソフトウェアのロゴやマスコットは様々…
As mentionned in the **Add the Free Art License** post on ideas.joinpeertube.org, in some case, more options would be usefull.
I work for a public organization affiliated to the French Ministry …
Would it be possible to edit the README file to clarify the license?
The README file says the license is CC-BY-SA. However, there are files inside the project that have different licensing informat…
### Proposed changes
* Go through every file and change every official whole-file and in-game displayed license (excluding whole files and inline code by individual users) to the [CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](ht…