As a user of the application, I want the homepage to be laid out in a convenient way to access all features of the application.
Mockup: https://xd.adobe.com/view/db7cd80e-542d-495d-8909-01d4b2607dbe-…
There should be a way to know the current season (fall2022, spring2022 etc) whose data is supposed to be fetched
We could do that by creating a field in our database to store the current season. Bu…
- [x] Pyret Files should only be embedded if we don't want students to come back to them.
- [x] If we want students to save or come back to starter files, provide a link on the page and direct them …
### Bug description
A student in Public Health 251 is getting the attached error when attempting to get into data hub using the following link: https://publichealth.datahub.berkeley.edu/hub/user-redi…
Will this be posted and graded on Canvas?
In GitLab by @tmassner927 on Oct 21, 2022, 10:09
_Merges 29-recipe-add-fix -> frontend-dev_
I added a bit more functionality with the add recipe page
_Merges frontend-dev -> main_
Signed-off-by: mitch
For Problem 5, what should the method return if the file is named:
1. with .gz: `.fq.gz`, `.mtx.gz`, `.nii.gz`, `.tsv.gz`
2. with .orig: `.tsv.orig`, `.ome.tiff.orig`
3. with .ome: `.ome.xml`
With the LunarLander and HalfCheetah envs requiring single iteration batch sizes of > 10k for convergence, these runs take quite a long time. Gym allows multiprocessing for multiple envs at the same t…
I vaguely remember this happened once before?