![Issuer_reliabilty_case_daniel drawio](https://github.com/pdonahue28/Cool-Bikes-Software-Assurance-CYBR8420-850/assets/76424137/0eb002b3-0784-4570-a4b1-53585821cd23)
The [Default AUTH_MAP Rules](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node/blob/master/docs/source/auth_rules.md) document, although mostly accurate, does not fully reflect the default auth rules of a new …
I'm trying to find some guide on configuring the von-network on a k8s cluster. I'm finding it pretty hard to find something concrete, for a real deployment. This is probably not a technical problem, b…
Indy Wallet's [`create_indy_wallet`](https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-vcx/blob/db8c27a0e9dc7fb21d199fcc92e52ffb3eaaaf3d/aries/aries_vcx_core/src/wallet/indy/wallet.rs#L67) function takes a `Wallet…
I need help.
In the file Dockerfile-base.ubuntu as a file call requirements.dev.txt and requirements.txt but I didn't find this files.
Is it right ?
Wallet has 4 credentials. 2 times `name_credential` (same credential definition, different data) and 2 times `email_credential`(same credential definition, but different data). User then receives a pr…
### Documentation Request
Right now there exists https://aries.js.org/guides/0.4/tutorials/agent-config#walletconfigstorage which isn't quite helpful, although there are many examples throughout the …
As a message to those creating new networks that the ATTRIB functionality is being removed from indy-node I suggest that we change the default auth_rules table to mark ATTRIB transactions as FORBIDDEN…
These upgrades should be performed in combination with https://github.com/bcgov/DITP-DevOps/issues/83
The [DITP Inventory of Deployments](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1u08yWhd-F_FNvD0z_d_08…
Python library `distro==1.8.0` does not work with `fpm` and therefore breaks the `build-scripts/ubuntu-2004/build-3rd-parties.sh` script, without first doing something like this:
`sed -i 's|build_f…