can make display Blacklisted IP and Whitelisted IP on our discord server but not global but for our personal server.
luci-app-passwall 9月24号更新的nftables.sh无法正常刷新nftables规则,回退到更新之前的版本可以正常刷新。
sh: 1: unknown operand
sh: 0: unknown operand
Error: syntax error, unexpected colon, expecting end of file or ne…
I am using SSH port forwarding to tunnel a VNC behind CGNAT to a server with a non-CGNAT public IP so that VNC is reachable from the outside. However, if a bot attempts to break into the VNC server to…
Add the possibility of setting the 'allow' and 'deny' directives.
Alternatively, add tab "Advanced" with text area "Custom Nginx Configuration" as for "Proxy Host".
To i…
### What
Teleport should have the ability to take ip address information into account.
A user, role, or individual user certificate could have ip address information associated with it.
This …
# Digital Video Broadcasting
install dvb_core /bin/true # Core module for DVB devices
install dvb_usb_rtl2832u /bin/true # DVB-T USB devices with RTL2832U chipset
install dvb_usb_rt…
Connecting to webchat (which is configured with m_webirc) over Tor doesn't result to any errors as it appears that the webchat IP is checked against the blacklists.
*** Checking your IP agains…
It would be as a good addition to suite if it would be possible to whitelist, greylist or blacklist on global, per domain or per user level an item, e.g. a domain, an address, an IP.
For security reasons we were asked to introduce a black list to ban users
and/or certain ip-addresses or ranges and/or hosts. Reject these requests and
log them. We should use a JDBC access her…
When using the script the [IPSET Blacklist] section is added (append) to cluster.fw
But if the [IPSET blacklist] is in the middle of the cluster.fw and the other rules [management] if below that thos…