The add disk feature (from Issue #7 ) is very handy. Though I've run into an issue, it doesn’t handle conflicts with the generated disk image/zvol/zvol-spare name and existing ones.
Not sure what t…
It was pointed out on Zulip that [there is no command to send a top-level expression](https://janet.zulipchat.com/#narrow/channel/409409-editors-and-tooling/topic/Emacs.20.2F.20.28non-vim.29.20Setup.2…
I installed [Reanimated v2](https://docs.swmansion.com/react-native-reanimated/docs/fundamentals/installation) today and then tried to install react-native-redash.
using `npm install react-native-r…
The `project.janet` file is the de facto single destination for project config and metdata, due to its use by `jpm`. This, plus its inherently open nature as a mostly-normal Janet module, makes it a n…
I'm trying to use `sideline-flycheck` for janet files via [sogaiu/flycheck-janet](https://github.com/sogaiu/flycheck-janet).
Looking at the following file:
(foo "hello")
params = { 'content' : {
'Subject' : 'Janet & John',
'Text' : 'hello all,
the Subject in params is truncated and RT only receives the 'Janet'
The change in https://github.com/janet-lang/janet/commit/398833ebe333efa751c52d2fa0f0a940d1d9878b is no longer building on the following platforms, based upon an alpine docker image, such a…
Most implementations have been converted via https://github.com/kanaka/mal/pull/592. The following are the remaining implementations to convert:
- [ ] basic
- [x] chuck
- [x] crystal
- [x] fanto…
There were just a few missing pieces on Tiger:
- `posix_spawn()`
- `clock_gettime()`
- `arc4random_buf()`
Work-arounds for the above are in the attached patch and activated using …
## Parinfer is a lazy, partial reader— allowing it the opportunity to ignore most irrelevant differences between dialects, but it needs to support more specific dialect features
Parinfer assumes Cl…