### Preconditions and environment
- 2.4.5
- MSI enabled with store pickup
### Steps to reproduce
1. Setup an MSI store - "Warehouse" and "Store" as stock sources
2. Enable "Store" as pickup loc…
### Description
Currently the loop is not complete. When utilizing backorders when a customer orders from a source + backorder then the admin has to backorder the item. During this time the order c…
### Preconditions and environment
- Magento 2.4.x CE
### Steps to reproduce
1. Create order
2. Go Backend > Sales > Orders
3. Create Invoice
4. Send Email invoice
5. Check system.log
Graag zien wij een mogelijkheid om een transactionele email te laten sturen als de zending is afgeleverd.
### Preconditions (*)
M2.3.3, 2.4-develop
1. Create a new cart price rule:
| Option | Value |
| Rule Information > Coupon | Specific coupon |
| Rule Information > Coupon Code | test10 |
| …
# Proposal for a better checkout design
After working with an actual project based on **PWA Studio**, I realized the Checkout page is not adequately prepared for complex international projects. I h…
Dear Joys
Please note that previous orders with normal items and delivery appointment items would have double shipping charges, However recently we noticed the shipment charges were single again. K…
We have just discovered another small problem. If you enter your own tracking number in the order. And no tracking number has yet been created by the API, a new tracking number is still generated. Thi…
## Problem Statement
MSI modules enable merchant to manage product inventory across different sources (werehouses, stores, pickup locations etc),maintain quantities for sales and handle shipments t…
### Preconditions and environment
- Magento 2.4.6
- We have found that since updating to Magento 2.4.6 we are getting complete cache invalidations if a product changes to out of stock or if a produc…