When this error is shown when trying to import study
S16032 Bao H., Tang L., Yu L. , et al. 2014 Differential efficiency in exogenous DNA acquisition among closely related Salmonella strains:…
hdliv updated
6 years ago
Ross Mounce wrote:
##Pre-processing steps
#Put all Newick trees into one file, one per line
for i in *.nwk ; do cat $i >> testree.tre ; sed -i -e '$a\' testree.tre ; done
#Remove Newick strings …
I would like to propose the idea for "Pipeline for customized phylogeny based on user provided gene/protein sequence(s) using Open Tree of Life data".
Suppose a researcher has newly sequenced a gene…
When rooting/and selecting ingroup for one of the trees in study ot_232 a message "Sorry, there was an error in the study data." ap…
As a remnant from earlier when there wasn't a package website created from vignettes and documentation, the top-level README is still a Rmarkdown document, from which README.md is generated. The Rmark…
hlapp updated
5 years ago
I work with XML more than I care to admit and I'm always looking for excuses to build more web scrapers using my [XML2R](https://github.com/cpsievert/XML2R) package. Does anyone have an XML database i…
The following is the `simmap` example in the current manuscript draft:
``` R
hlapp updated
8 years ago
`R` and `p4` / `STK2` seem to conflict over whether trees are valid or not :disappointed:
Newick file: ijs.0.65514-0-000.pbm.nwk
- [ ] bootstrap support, TBE support, branch lengths などを同じnewick (やnexusファイル)にアノテーションをつける時,どのようにするのか一般的か?調べる.
@kcranston asked about our (ropensci) thoughts on the API. Our perspective is of course from working in R...here goes:
- Write methods would be useful for R users. There is a huge community of people…