quoting from https://bugs.debian.org/946477
> povray fails to cross build from source, because it uses AC_RUN_IFELSE
> in a few places. Getting rid of these isn't obvious. It's used for
> differe…
I try to add the recipe gtk-sharp3 into my image and i run into the following two errors.
ERROR: gtk-sharp3-2.99.4-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure: Unable to find revision 9a72bb67fff7e4845b7bb4…
- [coreboot](http://www.ohloh.net/p/coreboot)
- [crosstool-ng](http://www.ohloh.net/p/crosstool-ng)
- [SeaBIOS](http://www.ohloh.net/p/seabios)
- [uClibc](http://www.ohloh.net/p/uClibc)
- [QEMU](http:…
I am trying to build chromium-x11 package for 122.0.6261.128(wrlinux_master branch) for qemux86-64 , qemuarm64 targets but getting below error,
ERROR: chromium-x11-122.0.6261.128-r0 do_copy…
I am using Yocto through (https://github.com/digi-embedded) to develop a interface between the imx6ulsbc and Touch (FT5426).
Is a multi touch screen so at the beginning I want to calibra…
Hi all,
Created this issue to let you guys know that there are plan to move https://github.com/intel/intel-iot-refkit/blob/master/meta-refkit-core/recipes-extended/fwupd/fwupd_0.9.7.bb to upstream …
I appear to be unable to correctly round-trip a patch ID to hash and back again.
Using this patchwork server: https://patchwork.yoctoproject.org/project/oe-core/ and this fragment in my `.pwclientr…
There is no direct OpenEmbedded support for `bluepy` library to be included as part of Yocto recipe.
I have an existing OpenEmbedded Project, and an image called core-image-production.
I followed the instructions below, added layer meta-ros to conf/bblayers.conf and built the image.
Is this repository being updated lately? There have been two new openembedded releases and meta-marvell doesn't have any work for them.