iOS version should take into account [imageOrientation](https://developer.apple.com/reference/uikit/uiimage/1624141-imageorientation?language=objc) property for correct image orientation.
domax updated
5 years ago
I'm using your node to configure a Mti-30 with ROS Kinetic. I'm interested in a implementation of a pose-estimation system based on the IMU. I understand Mti-30 has a kalman filter for pitch/rol…
I'm trying to implement the madgwick algorithm with MPU-9250 in order to determine the gravity component and subsequently the linear acceleration from which I'll try to calculate positional…
Sorry,my English is not good.
1.The existing Matlab scripts are all input video files.How should I modify the code so that I can open the webcam for real-time detection?
2.Do you have any informatio…
Over long experiments (> 5 object pose manipulations) the right hand drifts in the x and z directions. In the branch [all_nav_stack_changes ](https://github.com/hsp-iit/ergocub-bimanual/tree/all_chan…
I am using the Realsense D435i to build a map (utilizing the infrared and depth cameras, RGBD odometry).
my ENV:
ubuntu 22.04
ros2 humble
I'm testing on a datset that consists of 21 cameras, arranged in a cylinder-shaped layout surrounding the subject. All have the same lens, but different orientations. I.e., some are landscape-orient…
We are running mpu9250 in a car and keeping the device steady but when the car runs faster it shakes the device and moves the orientation of the device and then it gives values according to that frame…
ghost updated
5 years ago
Trying to get my head around an issue that I've been thinking about for the last few days. I'm using your library with an MPU9250 to orient a quadcopter, however due to using a breakout board …
I have image data which have gps, altitude. But they don't have camera orientation information. I want to utilize my gps and altitude data for initialization of sparse reconstruction.
However, I c…