I have a PBS cluster, and i hope it will support PBS soon
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `sf.to...@gmail.com` on 31 Mar 2013 at 1:36
We should only expose the ports that are needed instead of requiring `--net=host`.
OpenPBS and Torque have different outputs and options for qstat.
Please add support for OpenPBS
I am getting the following error on running the yaml file with specfications:
> RuntimeError: Please run with "toil-cwl-runner" instead of "cwltoil" (which has been removed)
However, in the main…
qsub offers a job array option to submit multiple jobs with a single qsub on a single script. The jobs are parameterized using the PBS_ARRAYID. What is interesting about this is that the job array has…
In [ATAC-seq/auyar/](https://github.com/TheJacksonLaboratory/ATAC-seq/tree/master/auyar), there are a number of bash shell scripts (`*.sh`) that need to be unified with the workflow described by auyar…
I reduced this to what I think is the simplest case. It is based on the Torque library's pbs_error.h file. I get the same swig error from v1.x through 3.0.2 of swig, but the code compiles successfully…
qbatch needs an option where it only returns the jobids of jobs submitted.
This would allow qbatch to be used in other pipelines that may want to monitor job IDs themselves rather than using the cl…
If you have an empty qstat -x, pstat tried to parse it anyways and throws an error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./pstat", line 139, in
File "./pstat", line 112, in ma…
Hi! I am trying to align my RNA-Seq reads to the human genome using STAR. I'm using the following syntax:
#PBS -l nodes=3:ppn=4,vmem=80gb,walltime=03:00:00
STAR --runThreadN 12 --runMode genomeGe…