Loading Shinjuku Ward causes crash after running out of memory. The no-texture version does not crash.
Using very small values for abstol and reltol (1e-14) with DynamicSS on a SteadyStateProblem, FiniteDiff solves out to t = 70,000, while ForwardDiff stops at t = 228. The true gradient is [0.0, -296.…
### Team Name:
### Project Description:
One of the main problems on Quantum Neural Networks (QNN) is the problem of Barren Plateaus, that is as the system grows in size (more qubi…
The current augmentation factor for suitabilities is taken as: id modulo 1024:
`attribute plateau_augmentation_factor (domain) := int32(mod(uint32(id(domain)), uint32(pow(2f,10f))));`
This leads…
Hello author. Thank you for your work; it's proving to be very helpful to me. Could you please tell me how I can adjust the model to train it with my own data? I can't seem to understand it; I see tha…
- Website URL: http://www.manioc.org/
- License: Non spécifié (consultation et le téléchargement en libre accès de plusieurs dizaines de milliers de documents) donc CC BY-NC-ND ?
- Desired ZIM Title…
I want to substitute `|` with `-`, so I did `/\|/-/` but it doesn't work. Any suggestions?
**Actual Result**
[How Long Do Weight Loss Plateaus Last? | Livestrong.com](https://www.livestrong…
We need it for MLIT's Project Plateau flavor as well.
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Hey guys,
Just started test-driving RFBZero. Thank you for writing this up - really nice work. I wonder if you could add features to allow for multiple plateaus (discrete electron transfers) on cha…