Looking at the examples from the Argentina Manuscrita.
Right now each persName and placeName has an automatically generated xml:id. Place names are linked to some external reference with the @ref . S…
@dlschwartz do we need a browse for sources? There is one currently, also, without it there is no way to link to the sources, should we add a link into the factoid or aggrigate pages?
**(1)** **Review** [Introduction to Encoding: XML](https://github.com/cmccraw/LiliElbe_EngagedLearners/wiki/Lesson-%236:-Introduction-to-Encoding:-XML)
**(2)** **Encoding Assignment:**
I took the liberty to create a small example inspired by NER standoff example here https://github.com/laurentromary/stdfSpec/blob/AnnArbor/Scenarios/StandOffScenarios.xml#L203-L221
Let's start with…
Many of the things that get claimed (statements) require more than one triple/STAR object (assertion) in the data models we are using. Each of these assertions will have the same authority and source.…
@jedwardwalters See [https://syriaccorpus.org/57#Head-id.80](url) where ܐܡܕܡ should read ܐܡܕ. Compare [https://archive.org/details/chronicaminorapa00guid/page/678](url) line 9.
- [x] Analyze the Oakland Team's markup in the engDecameron file. **ARE** they capturing the nested narratives? If **not**, do we want to keep their structural markup, or change it?
- [x] Look for the…
For referencing person names in ``, we use the attribute `@ref`, as in:
However, the EGD also prescribes to use `@key`, under section "Tagging contemporary names":
In order to exploit composite URIs for browsing in SPEAR, I've added seriesStmt to the SPEAR header. See https://github.com/srophe/srophe-app-data/blob/dev/data/spear/tei/SPEAR_John_Ephesus_Lives_794.…
There should be data in the DB for geographic area, genres, etc. from wikidata/VIAF. This was implemented in 2019 but is not in the current repo, and I don't think it was ever completed (the latest co…