# Ryan and Skittles | Ryan’s Pages
Here you’ll find information about me, my programming journey, and Skittles!
Given context of an education institute in Singapore, it is common for students to have the same name e.g. Ryan Tan or Alex Yeoh. Add command does not allow such duplicate names even with different ta…
The UG and DG does not specify what is considered a duplicate and what is not.
However, the app does have duplicate handling for names.
Steps to follow:
- [ ] Read official documentation: [Contact Provider](https://developer.android.com/identity/providers/contacts-provider)
- [ ] @Zolo-Ryan
- [ ] @arihantjain-17
- [ ] @Him…
This issue was created automatically with bugzilla2github
# Bugzilla Bug 1448
Date: 2012-10-01T03:00:07+02:00
From: Ryan Johnson <>
To: Ryan Johnson <>
CC: ciprian.gerstenberger, heli1…
### Steps to reproduce
Install external rocm stack version x.y.z and u.v.w. Configure them in `/etc/spack/packages.yaml`
For me, u.v.w is 5.0.0 and x.y.z is 4.3.1, but this is an issue in general.…
It's been about 6 months since we were working on GIBCT. We need to refamiliarize ourselves with what has been done and the state of various tickets/initiatives. We should create/updates tickets to re…
# Design/Code Review 1
## Project: Local Links
### Developer: Boulder Beeman @beemanbp03
### Reviewer: Ryan Michaelis
|Item |Considerations| Comments/Suggestions|
Leave feedback here.
To reproduce:
1. Do `add-doctor n/Jane Doe p/98765432 e/janedoe@example.com a/123 Clementi
Ave 3 s/Orthopedics`
2. Do `add-doctor n/Jane Doe p/98765432 e/janedoe@example.com a/123 Clementi
Ave 3 s/Ort…