No CITATION.cff file was found at the root of your repository. The [FAIR-BioRS guidelines](https://fair-biors.org/docs/guidelines) suggests to include that file for providing metadata about your softw…
Currently, there isn't a process where reviewers either proactively search for, or ask researchers to search for, all software used in the stack used in a papers' software, and all citations that coul…
Please describe how you picture using a software citation tool to generate citations. Consider other citation tools you may have used (their strengths and weaknesses), the citation standards that you…
> We make licensing easy for humans and machines alike. We solve a fundamental issue that Free Software licensing has at the very source: what license is a file licensed under, and who owns the copyri…
We have no documentation whatsoever:
- [x] Citation + intro
- [ ] Installation & dependencies
- [ ] Supported devices and platforms
- [ ] Platform configuration
- [ ] Pointers to installing sof…
Should contain:
- introduction
- "why publlish" (findability, citation, reproducibility, reusability)
- traditional pipeline
- modern pipeline
- software repository -> upload, readme, lice…
3 points regarding the software paper:
" State of the field: Do the authors describe how this software compares to other commonly-used packages?"
Can you please extend the paper to compa…
**Is your feature request related to a problem in the current program to new available techology or software? Please describe and add links/citations if appropriate.**
Our local geneticists are loo…
It would be useful for visitors & researchers if this repository had a [`CITATION.cff`](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/managing-your-repositorys-settings-and-features/customizing-your-reposit…
Have you thought about including a citation file in your repo?
This idea is based on: http://www.software.ac.uk/blog/2013-09-02-encouraging-citation-software-introducing-citation-files
Here is an ex…