I'm trying to run the following code and test PPO with Sonic the hedghehog, running it in parralel with SubProcVecEnv
Unfortunately I run in the following error:
Traceback (most recent call las…
I would like to start off by saying that I came from unsuccessful attempts at using NEAT, and I love what you have done here! It really makes it easy for me to experiment with artificial int…
Was wondering if it is possible to make it able to wrap with OpenAI's DummyVecEnv?
Seems like most of their baselines all require a vectorized env, would it be possible to wrap it?
great work for tool use!!!
how ever, I had some question about the result. I would be grateful if you reply~~
### 1. In `StableToolBench` I find pass rate result in https://zhichengg.github.io/st…
### ❓ Question
I am trying to use stablebaselines3 to handle a graph-related problem. Graphs of different sizes will have different numbers of nodes and edges, resulting in different observation spac…
Hi, installed the plugin incl. code environment successfully. However, if I run it I get the following error:
[14:39:43] [INFO] [dku.utils] - *************** Recipe code failed **************
This is definitely a nice to have -- It'd be nice if as a part of snapshots, we could have the option to record the policy being rolled out deterministically for a few rollouts, so that we can watch i…
Objective is to have SB3 agents that can be started from saved model on the hugging face hub cf. https://github.com/huggingface/huggingface_sb3/blob/main/Stable_Baselines_3_and_Hugging_Face_🤗_tutorial…
Firstly, thanks for your excellent work.
Recently, I plan to apply ElegantRL in my research work, and I'm trying to accelerate training and sampling process with SubprocVecEnv in Stable Baselines 3. …
Is it possible to use Flightmare's Gym interface without installing FlightRl (we would like to avoid the dependency to stable-baselines and specific tensorflow version you are using in this project)? …