We have some tools that expect to see allele depths in FORMAT column (ie A,C,G,T or AU,CU,GU,TU) and TIR/TAR for indels. Would be great if there was a way to get these in the vcf output.
Thanks for developing this amazing software.
Currently we are analyzing mouse tumor samples in DIANN. In these analysis we get the warning that DIA-NN is using "more than 1000 different i…
Hey @yashpatel6 ,
I think I am having memory problems:
Process `multi_sample_wgs:calculate_contamination_tumour:run_GetPileupSummaries_GATK (1)` terminated with an error exit status (247)
I saw the similar issue #503. As you mentioned it should not present in version 0.9.6, I create this new issue here, thinking it may due to other reasons.
Here how I run CNVKit on a matched …
Should verify specimen type values with accepted codelist values.
Should verify that submitter specimen id and specimen sample id values are all distinct (never the same value in both columns).
Different cancers have different mutation burdens. One nice way to visualize them is the so-called hamburger plot. In the figure below as discribed in [this paper](http://www.natur…
jjgao updated
4 years ago
In the natural history of tumours, chromosomal arms have been intermingled and not clear like the attached plot
By which argument we can make that readable please?
"tumour" attribute causes things to break
![screen shot 2015-06-24 at 2 00 47 am](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2507459/8326271/d68a5214-1a14-11e5-8fbb-dd00d651f2ae.png)
to try it:
### Current Applications
I've sent out 9 position applications that we picked:
- KL
-(x) HM, slow no, apply on April 30th, and get rejection letter on May 15th, no obvious reason but I t…