- [x] Searched existing issues to avoid creating duplicates.
- [x] Confirmed that it can be reproduced in built-in themes without customized css.
If it only exists in 3rd party themes or css,…
- [ ] Searched existing issues to avoid creating duplicates.
- [ ] Confirmed that it can be reproduced in built-in themes without customized css.
If it only exists in 3rd party themes or css,…
### 前言
### 描述问题
* 在DrakeTyporaTheme中,似乎没有一款以非白底为主体的亮色主题,若有一款淡黄色为底的主题,这可能更适合喜欢亮色主题但又长时间在黑暗环境工作的人
* 同时,在我的常用字体搭配中 --monospace: consolas, 小楷字体; /*代码字体*/这两个字体组成的中…
- [x] Searched existing issues to avoid creating duplicates.
- There are multiple closed issues about this... But I don't think it has been fixed.
- [x] Confirmed that it can be reproduced in…
According to this documentation: https://support.typora.io/Advance-Config/, the current `conf.user.json` does not allow to change the theme (The Typora arguments also won't allow this! But that would …
- [x] Searched existing issues to avoid creating duplicates.
- [x] Confirmed that it can be reproduced in built-in themes without customized css.
If it only exists in 3rd party themes or css,…
### 需求描述
- 增加与 Joplin 相关的文档
- 讨论项目的名称是否需要更改
### 需求原因
在 #56 ,我们合并了对 Joplin 的代码层面支持。但是,我们目前并没有相关文档,去引导用户正确地使用 Joplin 主题。此外,如果加入了 Joplin 主题,我们的项目是否应当继续叫 `typora-latex-theme` 就是一个值得商榷的问题了…
- [x] Searched existing issues to avoid creating duplicates.
- [x] Confirmed that it can be reproduced in built-in themes without customized css.
If it only exists in 3rd party themes or css,…
Now there is a lot of themes in the Theme Gallery. A management tool for themes or remaking the Theme Menu in Typora is necessary.
- Some themes have a series of .css files, thus will show several ic…
- [Yes] Searched existing issues to avoid creating duplicates.
- [Yes] Confirmed that it can be reproduced in built-in themes without customized css.
- [Yes] Searched http://support.typora.io/