Running the triangle example through `vkconfig`'s API dump, I noticed something odd:
vkAcquireNextImageKHR(device, swapchain, timeout, semaphore, fence, pImageIndex) returns VkResult VK_SUCCESS …
I'm having issues with science point for SCANsat scans. First of all, there's only an enabled/disabled status in the vessel menu of Kerbalism, and it doesn't show up in Kerbalism's science menu at all…
## Tested Dungeons:
- [X] The Nexus
- [X] The Oculus
- [X] Utgarde Keep
- [X] Utgarde Pinnacle
- [X] Halls of Stone
- [X] Halls of Lighting
- [X] Gundrak
- [X] Drak'Tharon
- [X] Azjol Nerub
**Issue by [gweivyth](https://github.com/gweivyth)**
_Tuesday Apr 07, 2020 at 23:13:53_
_Originally opened as: project-topaz/topaz - Issue 473_
**_I have:_**
- [x] searched existing issue…
**How interested would you and other developers be on having a consistent design system working along with Borealis?**
I started last year to build one, called **Aurora Ds**, but ended up stopping …
Gostaria de contribuir com os capítulos 4 e 7
## Please read to the end to understand how Liquidart started
### 22nd April 2021 - 11:10 PM IST
The initial idea I had, before beginning **Liquidart** was to create a server framework from scra…
Sometimes folks ping us to ask how they can contribute code to the MegaDetector project, and we don't really have a place to point them right now. Combined with the fact that a couple of important op…
Despite the smooth option being toggled on, the trees still arent smooth; theyre blocky