### Deep Learning Simplified Repository (Proposing new issue)
:red_circle: **Project Title** : Cervical Spine Fracture Detection
:red_circle: **Aim** : Create a prediction and detection model which …
Background: What if we have a new patient in the test set that has a new random effect e.g. SLD parameters (e.g. ks)?
To do:
- [ ] think about methods side
- [ ] if we have a much simpler linea…
Hi, I work with the TCIA team that is hosting your dataset. In the README.md for the "TCIA Link" you are pointing to a URL that is going to stop working in the next couple of months (wiki.cancerimagi…
It's not clear to me how to implement subsetting of multiscale `ZarrArrays`. E.g., say we have scales 4x4 and 2x2. Then the only subsets that could be propagated to all resolutions would be 1..2 and 3…
I have encountered several entries in the CHO thermo library, which have incorrect heats of formation. Unfortunately, I didn't think of cataloging all the incorrect species as I encountered them so I …
Hello, I find that the forward of the model is "outputs = model(image[None], captions=[caption])", which means the shape of image is [1,C,H,W] and captions is [str] . But when I try to make multiple …
This is meant to gather any ideas for potential baselines or enhanced approaches to tackle the shared task.
Hello! I am new to machine learning and am finding it challenging to understand how to utilize the features from your Encoder in my application. It would be beneficial if someone could provide an exam…
## ❓ Questions & Help
I'm trying to perform link prediction on large undirected graph. During minibatching phase I pass a single `Data` object with all the edges(1293978946) and all nodes(8595301)…
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| Bugzilla Link | [PR31423](https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31423) |
| Status | NEW |
| Importance | P normal |