Use scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment instead.
Running tracking
Using tracking threshold for out threshold! 0.3
Fix size testing.
training chunk_sizes: [32]
input h w: 512 5…
An issue to track all dataset with poses and segmentation labels
Thank you for your excellent work.
The LiDAR coordinate system differs between `mmdet3d v0.17.1` and `mmdet3d >= v1.x`, as shown below. Could you clarify which coordinate system you are following? Th…
Hi, I read your paper on Arxiv and the performance is very impressive. I wonder if the ResNet-18 you used was pretrained on other datasets before (ImageNet or other detection datasets). Looking forwar…
Thank you for sharing this excellent work.
I'm interested in using the NuScenes driving dataset, but I can't locate any guides.
Could you please give me some advice?
Thank you and b…
as the title written,
I can only find `generate_data.py` in `GKT/segmentation/script`.
Where can I find the script that generate labels?
Hi gdlg:
I can not train the model wirh my own panoramic dataset. Moreover, i want to know how the training data is labeled? I need your help! Thanks!
The link of 2D semantic labels for nuScenes is missing, could you please offer another one?
Thanks for the source code!
Using the provided checkpoint ('maptracker_nusc_newsplit_5frame_span10_stage3_joint_finetune.zip'), I am seeing abnormally high results on nuScenes.