Hi @rniemeyer
I am just moving my MVC app over to webpack and this package is one of the ones that I use. I was scratching my head as to why web pack was saying that it couldn't resolve the refere…
Hi. I've just come across this project and it is exactly what we need. However, I've noticed there haven't been any updates for a while now. Could you guys please share your vision for this project? I…
J'ai (re)fait une série de tests pour l'activité écrite. Voici mes observations.
### 1. Tests et observations
Les animations flash présentes (voir listes des 100 sinogrammes [3][Sino50],[4][Sino…
Hello, maintainers! :wave:
By my calculations, it's time for a new release of minima. It's been over 2 months since the last release, v2.5.1.
What else is left to be done before a new release can b…
As below:
$ mix nerves.artifact
|Elixir.Docker| Starting Build... (this may take a while)
>>> qt5base 5.11.1 Configuring** (Mix) The Nerves Docker build_runner encountered an error while…
I keep getting this error " check_solr: error: no such option: -H " when I install to my nagios instance for my solr 8 connection, what could be the issue.
Will there be an upgrade for Phaseque available for VCV2? It is my favorite sequencer in VCV.
Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: `Yes`
- VS Code Version: `1.67.0, 1.68.1, 1.69.2`
- OS Version: `docker on Linux/Darwin` (running on the same machines as…
Will try this
Ich hatte bereits vor einiger Zeit angefangen dran zu arbeiten, den PluginHandler neu zu schreiben.
Jetzt kam mir die Idee erneut auf und würde gerne wissen, was Ihr davon haltet. Ich will jetzt auch …