I am getting an error from the following command:
`java -jar pepmap-2.0.0.jar -i tmpgotqxpq0 -d proteome.txt -i2l -o tmpkkgz6nv6`
The error is
`Exception in thread "pool-2-thread-1" java.lan…
I am attempting to convert mztab peptide identification from casanovo to .blib format but have been unsuccessful using BlibBuild. The first error I recieved was:
(base) kostrouchov@myip:~$ ./B…
Hi there,
I'm looking for some clarification re: the output tables from running `analysis_quickstart()`that appear in the designated msdap_results timestamped folder. Apologies if this information i…
I hope you are well. I just wanted to ask regarding the background of this aforementioned error which is generating when am trying to evaluate an independent test dataset for proteins (max p…
Imagine a case where one peptide should have multiple small distal motifs. Need to intersect which peptides contain all of the queries.
To represent a de novo peptide, we can set 0 PeptideEvidence in SpectrumIdentificationItem.
As I understand, SpectrumIdentificationItem is embedded in SpectrumIdentificationList and referred by Sp…
does it work for the ligands protein design? to detecte the ligands or chemical?
Dear IntroSpect,
I am running the test scripts, It has failed on (all steps up to this point ran ok. :
Runing D.SearchSpace_Filtering.sh
with the following errors:
No such file or directory…
@sgibb @lgatto : I have a conceptual question: the `Proteins` object requires unique `seqnames` and names of the `pranges`. Was there any specific reason for that?
I'm asking because `GRanges` or `GRa…
Hello Vadim,
The output library of DIA-NN only contains a maximum of 12 fragments percursor. Does it mean that even if a precursor in input library contains more than 12 fragments, DIA-NN can only …