### Contact Details
_No response_
### What benefits does the suggestion solve?
DCAT-AP3 föreslår en ändring från literal till locn:Geometry. Tyvärr föreslås inga konkreta ytterligare properties.
For context, read https://github.com/monarch-initiative/mondo/issues/7425
What we need:
A simple three column ROBOT template
| mondo_id | linkout | source |
| ---------- | ------- | ------ |…
currently have
thors:component rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:hasTopConcept ;
thors:referencePoint rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:hasTopConcept ;
I think I see the logic-- skos:hasTopConcept is the onl…
It looks like the the `Accept` header isn't being respected
`curl -I "http://dbpedia.org/sparql?default-graph-uri=http%3A%2F%2Fdbpedia.org&query=SELECT+%3Flabel%0D%0AWHERE+%7B%0D%0A+rdfs%3Alabel+%3…
Data row:
1: entrez gene ID 3: GO gene ID 6: GO gend ID's label
conversion:enhance [
ov:csvCol 2;
ov:csvHeader "GeneID";
Saya lihat untuk nama kelas pakai Bahasa Indonesia tapi kenapa untuk properti pakai bahasa inggris? propertinya juga belum diberi anotasi **rdfs:label**?
> https://twitter.com/arrow_2nd/status/1426511696667963396?s=20
PREFIX schema:
PREFIX imas:
PREFIX rdfs:
SELECT DISTINCT ?costumeName ?costumeDesc
?d rd…
No encuentro la manera de acceder a los datos históricos. Por ejemplo en el caso del dataset [Relación actual de Puestos de Trabajo (RPT) de los Departamentos y Organismos Autónomos de la Administraci…
Even though we tested the property shape in https://shacl.org/playground/, when upload the property shape to GraphDB, we encounter errors:
If you have a query like this:
# observation clauses
?s a qb:Observation .
?s ?p ?o .
?o rdfs:label ?lbl
We don't know wh…