This issue will be used to collect and discuss kata qualities often argued during the beta process. I'll also create a wiki page later to summarize and to allow the community to help organize the info…
- [ ] Proposal added
- [ ] Discussed in LDM
- [ ] Decision in LDM
- [ ] Finalized (done, rejected, inactive)
- [ ] Spec'ed
See also https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/119
The typos are available as patches that can be applied against the root directory of the mod.
I am curious if you have evaluated your requirements against XCode, Visual Studio, Autotools (best known as "that thing that runs when you clone a repo and call `./configure` in it"), Makefiles, CMake…
# Why and What
https://github.com/1404Damel/MITocw made a github for this
I mainly did this to supplement my knowledge because my university is not that good (they don't even give programming assig…
Reply with your memo as a Comment. The memo should be responsive to this week's readings from David Archer, with 300–500 words + 1 visual element (e.g., figure, image, hand-drawn picture, art, etc. th…
Any way to return track count from a get a track request?
Could it be added or is there a reason it is not?
Reply with your memo as a Comment. The memo should be responsive to this week's readings on Policy & Government from Governor Jerry Brown, with 300–500 words + 1 visual element (e.g., figure, image,…
- [ ] #18
**The OXEN team published a plan for the Session Token Swap Program. This program creates significant value for the development team at the expense of lowering value for OXEN holders. This LIP propo…