**[Original report](https://bitbucket.org/mpyne/game-music-emu/issues/19) by Michael Pyne (Bitbucket: [mpyne](https://bitbucket.org/mpyne), GitHub: [mpyne](https://github.com/mpyne)).**
when I apply PPO of RL algos to the gym-carla,it will occur that “ RuntimeError: trying to access an expired episode; a new episode was started in the simulation but an object tried accessing th…
Hello everyone,
I would like to inquire about the change from the gym module to Gymnasium in the pybullet drone environment for reinforcement learning. The OpenAI gym environment has been discontin…
sorry to bother you.
Do you know how to deal with this error?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/naiyisiji/Projects/CrowdNav/crowd_nav/train.py", line 177, in
File "…
Доброго времени суток, не могу скомпилировать приложение выводит вот такую ошибку под системой iOS, (ionic framework), помогите пожалуйста решить:
The following build commands failed:
I struggled somewhat to install on a Mac with an M1 using the direct install method from https://docs.minedojo.org/sections/getting_started/install.html. This post includes the steps I tried and a wor…
Hey, have you considered using the PettingZoo API (https://github.com/PettingZoo-Team/PettingZoo)? It's like a multi-agent version of Gym and most of the major MARL libraries support it.
Hi, sorry if feature requests are not accepted (close this if so), but I was wondering if it would be possible to upgrade this repo from gym to gymnasium?
>>> import d4rl
Warning: Flow failed to import. Set the environment variable D4RL_SUPPRESS_IMPORT_ERROR=1 to suppress this message.
No module named 'flow'
Traceback (most recent call last):
## 🚀 Feature
Hi, would it be possible for it to be upgraded from gym to gymnasium? [Gymnasium](https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/Gymnasium) is the maintained version of openai gym and is compati…