### User Story
As a… user of a product supplied internally in government
I expect the product to use the GOV.UK design system
So that… I can map my understand of the system, from other systems I've u…
### User Story
As a AP user
I want to use Quicksight embedded within the AP UI
So that I have the best user experience possible
### Value / Purpose
- Reduces the need for using the AWS console
- Us…
here are a few missing ones as reported by Fatameh:
unknown journal: {'nlmid': '0400722', 'medlineAbbreviation': 'Med Arh', 'isoabbreviation': 'Med Arh', 'title': 'Medicinski arhiv'}
unknown journ…
## Requirements:
- [ ] Have a link to the glossary definition of an ESDA on ESDA entities
Slack thread for reference: https://mojdt.slack.com/archives/C03QZ776JVA/p1713884720156419
## Backend con…
## What
Investigate if it's possible to enhance the file upload component in order for it to be operable via Dragon.
## Why
This is in response to https://github.com/alphagov/govuk-design-system/issu…
Change to match the patterns in figma. Fix on the seach results and details page.
The content of terms in description lists have inconsistent use of colons.
The [examples in the design system](htt…
> could the search have an 'x' to clear action button when active and not empty? just like on gov.uk search?
> ![Image](https://github.com/ministryofjustice/find-moj-data/assets/115145706/91a…
Zgodnie z informacją zamieszczoną w https://github.com/ProteGO-Safe/specs/issues/238#issue-728974230 apeluję do Twórców aplikacji i odpowiednich ministerstw/kancelarii (niepotrzebne skreślić) o przen…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Nejde posielat SMS z [SK]Orange (plateny)
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Spravu pre ... sa nepodarilo odesat!
What version …