I'm having trouble with the "change_attr" property. I would like to provide feedback, such that a check mark is shown when the answer is correct and an X mark is shown when the answer is incorr…
1. Please add your name to the paper.
2. Minor edits:
In summary:
"Events are excluded where when" -> "Events are excluded when"
"for one or more frames, this is" -> "for one or more frames; t…
While installing Psychophysics toolbox in Windows, I am getting the following error:
Machine specification:
Windows 10, 64 bit OS, 16 GB RAM, 3.41 GHz CPU
>> DownloadPsychtoolbox('C:\toolbox')
Should we make the repo public?
- [ ] Change the name to neurostim (without the ptb)
- [ ] Need some rudimentary documentation in the Readme.md
- [ ] Add a wiki
I'm new to javascript and have a question regarding the line object.
Is it possible to change the angle of a line depending on the mouse position on the screen? I'd ask my participants to r…
Fix typos and other problems that break on posts [like this one](https://github.com/open-neuroscience/academic-kickstart/blob/master/content/en/post/optogenetics/index.md) or code formatting on [this …
Include losses for the 4 possible outcomes. What is the boundary and results when the overall Bayes risk is being minimized? Duda section 2.2.1.
This has applications to psychophysics with differen…
% set Quest+ procedure
F = @(x,mu)([1-normcdf(x,mu,1),normcdf(x,mu,1)])';
mu = 2;
trueParams = {mu};
% create QUEST+ object
stimDomain = linspace(0, 1, 60);
paramDomain = linspace(-5,5…
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PhABC updated
4 years ago
Files may be missing. I could not find the link to the CAD files or .STL file for custom parts of the Rest Easy open source chinrest.