Yarn and web brick
Similar to what is done for LibC bindings on other plataforms. The source could be `windows.h` and related files from some C compiler, could be extracted from the MSDN documentation itself (page scrap…
Should `shards` be used as a build system manager in the future - much like Rust's `cargo`, node.js's `npm`, or Java's `maven`?
require "./web"
window = Web.window
console = window.console
document = window.document
# I had to do this to compile:
console.log JS::String.new("Width: #{window.inner_width}")
I was playing with `fun` and found something. I try to show you a minimal example:
fun print_chrray(value : Char[5])
puts value
print_chrray(StaticArray(Char, 5).new('x'))
Error executing job with overrides: []
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Data/RoseTTAFold2NA/RoseTTAFold-All-Atom-2/RoseTTAFold-All-Atom/rf2aa/run_inference.py", line 206, in main
consider this demo code which simply adds 100 buttons:
require "gobject/gtk/autorun"
window = Gtk::Window.new
window.connect "destroy", &->Gtk.main_quit
fixed = Gtk::Fixed.…
`Crystal::Digest::MD5` is an internal implementation used by the compiler, in only one location:
Just check under "Options" of https://shardbox.org/shards/markd, there you see the markdown table source, but that is pretty much unreadable.
Not quite sure if this issue belongs to …-core or …-web…