EPIC: Content / FAQ/ Chatbot
As a **role** I can **capability** so that **received benefit**
As a **system designer** I want to **explain the initial scope of FLIT.ie** to achieve **some structur…
**High Priority**
- [x] Duration (Note length) shorthands
- A/
- A//
- A/2
- [x] Shorthand Decorations
- . (staccato)
- ~ (Irish roll)
**Medium Priority**
- [x] Gracenotes
- …
I won't bombard you with any more issues. I just think this crate is really excellent and am excited by it. It's going to make my Elasticsearch indices and my use of them much better.
So most of th…
Please see the discussion here: http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/13274
Paul Irish recommends using this: https://gist.github.com/padolsey/527683 instead of @cc_on because it is slow.
Translations for the following languages can be added:
- [ ] [Afrikaans](https://crowdin.com/project/aurora-editor/af)
- [ ] [Chinese Simplified](https://crowdin.com/project/aurora-editor/zh-CN)
Odd characters appearing in alternative place names, e.g. those with accents in Irish Gaelic names. Anne to try to find a way to identify these and do a an easy fix. Also worth looking at placenames t…
While on lordbogits sevrer, I noticed that a good chunk of terrain by squill cave is missing. Both lordbogit and I have confirmed it on Irish's QA Server as well. Pics included from lordbogits server
Paul Irish has a great explanation about the different between html tags and html elements:
Timm mentioned that the Irish Marine Institute uses standards of the [Motion Imagery Standards Board](http://www.gwg.nga.mil/misb/). Descriptions of the standards are [here](http://www.gwg.nga.mil/mis…
Lauren mentioned that she will be using parser-bootstapping to annotate the Irish Twitter UD treebank.
The current data used in ga_BERT might not be that suitable for parsing tweets. It might be a …
jbrry updated
3 years ago