##### TODO 🔺
- [x] collect items from supervisors
- ~~make appointment with supervisor~~
- [x] document everything and make photos
- [x] create documentation
- [x] create video
##### DOCS
I am trying to use MPU9250 Arduino Library. I see the `uint8_t dmpInitialize();` in line 902 of MPU9250.h, but I can't find it in MPU9250.cpp and have a compile error of class MPU9250' has …
Good day Kris,
This may come across as a weird or trivial question but I have noticed great discrepancies based on which method I use so I thought it was best for me to ask. When you designed the mag…
I spent some time trying to get my MPU-6050 breakout board to work (GY-521). Raw data is fine but I need ypr angles and I want to take advantage of the DMP onboard so I tested i2cdevlib libraries and …
How do you enter the offsets acquired during calibration? Otherwise, the values read from the device are raw and meaningless.
### Board
esp32 wroom dev kit 1
### Device Description
gy-521 IMU using arduino MPU6050 / I2CDEV library downloaed from github by [jeff rowberg
### Ha…
As soon as the code loads into the Arduino, the Arduino takes over the mouse. Might removing the keyboard and mouse parts of the HID code fix that? I can see in Windows that the device is also regist…
Olá, bom dia.
Sou do DF e também estamos trabalhando em um robô para a OBR de 2020.
Vi que pretende usar OpenCV, Python e uma câmera para detecção das vÃtimas, muito interessante. Estarei acompanh…
![picapp - apple macbook air 1](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1216181/16336979/3f628bbc-3a12-11e6-9705-d707b8062565.png)
I am trying to understand the function "MPU9250SelfTest()" in the code. And i found some inconsistency between the code and the comments, for example: