Include best practices on implementing swig .i files. Nice practice [here](https://github.com/roboticslab-uc3m/yarp-devices/issues/145#issuecomment-348946216).
Memoria anual asociaciones uc3m
- https://www.uc3m.es/ss/Satellite/AsociacionesEst/es/TextoDosColumnas/1371383721015/?d=Touch
- https://aplicaciones.uc3m.es/formulario/memoria_asociaciones
No sé donde han ido pero no hay jumpers en el armario. #
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1721738/using-diff-or-anything-else-to-get-character-level-diff-between-text-files
- https://sharadchhetri.com/2014/08/08/print-particular-line-number-using-sed…
Quiero ser operadora porque me gusta la impresion 3D, soy estudiante de la UC3M del grado Electronica industrial y automatica.
Here are some solutions (updated from https://github.com/roboticslab-uc3m/xgnitive/issues/23):
1. Zenodo: We chose this option in the mentioned issue, which generates DOIs and is popular in the machi…
Out of two command/sensor parameters, we only perform closed-loop control on one of them (https://github.com/HUMASoft/yarp-devices/issues/3): the polar angle (*inclinación*). Attemps on replicating th…
The `ICartesianControl` interface could provide a method to control an end-effector actuator (e.g. a gripper tool). To not interfere with `tool` (see #95), a new `act`/`VOCAB_CC_ACT` method/RPC vocab …
[YarpOpenraveControlboard] joint limit treatment, as commented f2f @rsantos88 @PeterBowman
# Context
From [#8](https://github.com/asrob-uc3m/impresoras-asrob/issues/8#issuecomment-294285505):
> 5. Pese a que el sistema de la hoja de cálculo ha demostrado históricamente cumplir con su…