I have installed the latest 5.0 beta for Zotero on a new computer and installed the latest version of Better Bib(La)Tex as well. The versions specifically are `5.0-beta.r39+bdec4b1` and `1.6.72`, resp…
as per
the form at
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdecS-vPV86XjwMIua0D2nksBP19pU3YCXWRHDdwByFNlG3nA/viewform .
I'm in the midst of doing this and have created projects 25-32 (corresponding to individual goals stated in the grant proposal) and now mapping the tickets from [project 24](https://github.com/fnielse…
create table of wikidata entities corresponding to elements/types in our data set.
provide example and explanation, something like:
Questions we want to answer with the tracking and indicators we want to use:
How many people find the tool? --> page views
How do people use the tool? --> interaction parameters like link clicks (se…
(p:P50 @* | p:P2093 @*)+ ;
@andrawaag: can you add an example of using a prop as a …
Suggestion from Tony Catapano at WikiCite meeting: allow entry of multiple authors for match, when they are typically co-authors:
* find all papers they are both (all) on
* generate QuickStatements …
In conjunction with the Wikimedia Hackathon (#133).
already past, but had lots of overlap with Wikidata and WikiCite, so adding it in here for the record