**Describe the bug**
Error executing process > 'single_sample_scrublet:SCRUBLET__DOUBLET_REMOVAL:SC__SCRUBLET__DOUBLET_DETECTION_REPORT (1)' …
In this case a well is placed behind a leaky line doublet, yet the head **increases** in front of the doublet.
A minimum working example:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot …
Put as xs-elements listed below in a "peakPickedDataPointType" section
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/xerosploit/xerosploit.py", line 26, in
from terminaltables import DoubleTable
Dear developers,
I have a tiny anndata object which shape is **1570 × 19241**. But when I ran `cal_ot_mat` as tutorial "Gene Trajectory Python tutorial: Human myeloid", the progress is extremelty s…
Thanks for the great work! I am writing to ask that as the paper is published, is this data publicly available to use?
Also, is the expression matrix after doublet removal?
File "/opt/xerosploit/xerosploit.py", line 26, in
from terminaltables import DoubleTable
ImportError: No module named terminaltables
I have a scATACseq dataset where I'm trying to use the mitochondrial reads to demultiplex two mouse strains. When I run cellSNP and cellsnp-lite in mode 2 using what I believe to be matching parameter…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "xerosploit.py", line 26, in
from terminaltables import DoubleTable
ImportError: No module named terminaltables