### What
- For some products I have a compatibility above 100% (192%, 106%). That's a lot.
### Part of
- #396
### To Reproduce
* Huile olive vierge soléou
* olives kalamata kalios
### What
- We're loading a shitload of products for personal ranking (and for some queries, that's not even the whole query)
- Is the search query as minimized and as fast-looking as we can ?
- If…
For the moment, user preferences are stored in `SharedPreferences`, which is appropriate, and products are stored in a [Sembast](https://pub.dev/packages/sembast) database in [full_products_database.d…
(Draft) Create a section to download list of additives risks
This needs to :
- propose available additives risks lists
- the available lists should be refreshable from the Open Food Facts server…
All the terms listed below have been approved for inclusion in the new "Food" package to be included in v6. I am adding this list here to enable a history of the new terms to be included in the repo a…
In Smoothie we save the products as Json and then load them back, but it now fails with version 1.3.0 with the new in languages fields from https://github.com/openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-dart/pull/185…
This question is raised from issue #1321.
The biolink:Metabolite is a direct child of biolink:ChemicalSubstance but biolink:ChemicalSubstance has many other children such as FoodAdditive, Nutrient…
Hi everyone! I’m using open food facts api in my flutter app, it works fine and return the product name, but the image of the product or nutrient levels is always null or empty list. e.g: Shiitake Pas…
Shoud I be getting this response??
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/C:/Users/ymnek/.m2/repository/pl/coderion/openfoodfacts-java-wrapper/…
## Preferred term label
Free sugar
## Textual definition
The [World Health Organization](https://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/publications/trs916/en/) defines free sugars as:
All mo…