Hi and thank you for the great tool.
I am trying to perform DEG analysis with DESeq2 and need raw counts. After using kallisto quant my output looks like this:
Since the estimated coun…
Hello Everybody,
I perform single cell sequencing using droplet microfluidics and barcode cells using barcoded hydrogel beads generated by split and pool technique.
The structure of my library is:
I'm running kallisto vs cellranger on PBMC8k v2.0 chemistry, and it seems that Kallisto doesn't report any mitochondria reads. What could be the reason?
I am using `kallisto` with the `--umi` option to pseudoalign 3' end UMI tagged single-cell RNA-seq data. My log (i.e. stdout) prints the following:
[index] k-mer length: 31
[index] num…
I am trying to run kallisto index using a Singularity image with kallisto 0.51.0.
WIth typical kallisto pseudoalignment rates of ~70% for human total ribo-depleted RNA libraries, an obvious question is what the remaining 30% of reads represent, especially when aligners like hisat2 …
kallisto index --index=~/Documents/expression/ref/kallisto.idx ~/Documents/expression/ref/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.fa.gz
[build] loading fasta file…
This issue is traced back from [my original issue posted for Sleuth](https://github.com/pachterlab/sleuth/issues/175).
The HDF5 output from Kallisto cannot be read by rhdf5 or Sleuth, alt…
Creating this ticket to evaluate a lighter weight pipeline using [Kallisto](https://pachterlab.github.io/kallisto/) for quantification.
From @cmeesters:
> [in ep03] we get to named in- and output without explaining the background or that in- and output are usually lists.