### Describe the bug
Attempting to run `make px4_sitl gazebo-classic` fails on Ubuntu 20.04. Specifically, I get the following output:
alex@UbuntuVM20:~/dev/PX4-Autopilot$ make px4_sitl gazebo-…
Hello, I could add ```x500_gimbal``` and now seeking help on how to move the gimbal for my needs. I noticed at the end of the file the plugins with the sub-topics for the joints but running ```gz topi…
## Describe the bug
[Multi-Vehicle Simulation with JMAVSim](https://docs.px4.io/main/en/simulation/multi_vehicle_jmavsim.html#how-to-start-multiple-instances) do not stream the simulation: QGroundCon…
Hello! I have problem with installation PX4-Autopilot
I have Gazebo 11.11.0, mavros and mavlink last version. I am positioned in the branch v1.13.1 in repo PX4-Autopilot
I run DONT_RUN=1 make…
MC and FW rate controllers write integrators into one topic rate_ctrl_status:
I want to spawn a drone using a downward-facing depth camera for altitude-based localization.
I think the model `iris_downward_depth_camera` from `PX4-Autopilot/Tools/sitl_gazebo/models` woul…
Za účelem plnění některých letových úloh balonu, je potřeba k PX4, připojit [companion-computer](https://docs.px4.io/master/en/companion_computer/pixhawk_companion.html). V našem případě to bude nejsp…
please help if anyone ..... this error .....
whenever I try to start a simulation from the VsCode debugger, I get the following error
At Yuneec, we have several different product-configurations for the same type of board (similar to fmu-v2 [here](https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/tree/master/boards/px4/fmu-v2)), where each …
### Describe the bug
Using PX4 with QGroundControl, and all the guides/videos I follow during set-up have a multitude more airframe options for some reason. I am trying to use the Airship airframe