- [ ] Implement "MyLeaves" page
- [ ] Add "Apply Leave" button
- [ ] Implement "Leaves Left" (only for leaves that have a limit)
- [ ] Implement "Leaves Taken" ( show list of leaves ( all states - …
From course guidelines of bug triaging under feature flaws
Based on the course inst…
For example this will show me 0 students found.
![Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 5.08.43 PM.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SooYap/pe/main/files/0fa72be5-fc59-4a32-9555-753fa5a53dd0.png)
Implement a "Classroom Mode" in senseBox Blockly, inspired by Tinkercad's classroom features, to streamline teaching and collaborative learning in educational environments. The Classroom Mode should s…
## I'm submitting a...
[ ] Regression (a behavior that used to work and stopped working in a new release)
[ ] Bug report
[ ] Feature request
[ ] Documentation issue or request…
`add n/TestOne p/11111111 e/test1@example.com c/CS2103T`
`edit 1 p/11111111` or `edit 1 e/test1@example.com`, assuming index 1 belongs to student name = Bernice.
issue faced:
as mentioned …
This issue is the global feedback for the mooc from Thomas Dagonneau.
Disclaimer : I'm not a very good english speaker so I might see some typo where there are not or miss some.
- Site: [https://student-data-collection-api-d4cdde-test-dev.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca](https://student-data-collection-api-d4cdde-test-dev.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca)
**New Alerts**
- **Co…
Unable to record Student Leave Application by Course Schedule
Example, Student need to attend 7 Course for that day
They took leave for 2 course how can we do it?
Course 1 to Course 7
Took leave …