Reported bei TUM:
mir ist heute folgende seltsame Geschichte aufgefallen:
* Wenn im BE und einen anderen User simulierst, kommst Du aus diesem Account nicht mehr raus (ich war mit meiner TUM-Kennu…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tum-traffic-dataset-dev-kit/src/label_conversion/conversion_openlabel_to_nuscenes.py", line 274, in
I want to convert my own video data into a folder structure like TUM benchmarks. So you want to create times.txt, camera.txt, statistic.txt and times.txt. how do I do this automatically? or what do th…
Hi @lahavlipson , have you tried training DPVO on other datasets beside TartanAir? I tried to train it on TUM (using _build_dataset from raw RGB and depth maps), but all values became NAN, do you know…
rosrun ldso_ros run_dso_tum_mono \
preset=0 \
files=/home/chrisliu/Dataset/TUM-Mono/sequence_10/images.zip \
Hi everyone, please help.
I have a similar problem running the mono_tum file.
i have managed to build the project up until building ORB-SLAM (all dependencies satisfied) only stuck with running th…
It's almost done. But the last step has issues now. Can somebody help? Thanks. It seems libopencv_core3 is the wrong library built? How should I solve it?
* 2019-03-13
Link to metadata: https://github.com/rl-institut/urbs-oemof/tree/master/metadata
Data (model_draft):
Ludee updated
2 years ago
I've encountered an issue while using the exp_tum.launch to run the TUM-VI dataset, such as the room scene. The nonlinear optimization does not seem to run correctly. (When I use exp_eth.lau…
Great work!
I got the *.npy files which store the depth of images and I transform them into *.png. Now, I want to use the *.png in the RGB-D mode of ORB-SLAM2, but when I run ORB-SLAM, segmentation f…