I'm trying to run colmap on images of fisheye cameras with very large fov(fov=190), But the results seemed to be very awful.
## Summary
In the two-compartment model that we use for multi-delay data, we need an estimate for the T1 of gray matter. At the moment, we use a single value across the brain; however, it would be …
tsalo updated
3 weeks ago
Currently the derivation of ASL reactivity regions is a long list: ~300 lines of code and doesn't include all brain regions.
My first livery of a geofs made plane!
Currently, the `asl-say` command can speak the current time. What it doesn't know how to do is speak the current date. We should add this ... and probably a way to say both the date AND the time tog…
**#URI_CHECKED:#** y
**#VERSION_YML:#** No changes.
**#BOOK_YML_CHECKED:#** y: title transcribed
00#VERS#CLENGTH##: 6859295
00#VERS#LENGTH###: 1782029
00#VERS#URI######: 0189MuhammadShaybani.Asl.Sham19Y0014285-ara1
80#VERS#BASED####: http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/816828542
Camel 3.x feature name='xml-specs-api' contains 2 incompatible bundles:
` mvn:org.codehaus.woodstox/stax2-api/${stax2-api-bundle-version}`
` mvn:org.codehaus.woodstox/woodstox-core-asl/${wood…
All changes from ASL 1.02 (Asterisk 1.4) code base need to be ported into this version.
As an ASL signer, I find this plugin amazing. However, I feel it is missing one feature. In ASL gloss, it's typical to underline phrases to mark the topic, or directionality or intensity. Is there a …