We should integrate maps and data from EEA's [Urban Adaptation Map Viewer](https://eea.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=ec9a942228894562bd53310e3c3bc211) into the CSIS.
We could show…
I left a comment on the commit also:
Perhaps first check if has_internet and if not, if…
Author Name: **Jean-Roc Morreale** (@Jean-Roc)
Original Redmine Issue: [3963](https://issues.qgis.org/issues/3963)
Affected QGIS version: master
Redmine category:symbology
Assignee: cfarmer -
I´m new to Github and not conversant with the common rules.
Never the less.... Do you know where i can get any Open Source Data (Cartesian coordinate) for a World Map/Europe ?
Greetings F…
Import NUTS 2 region SHP into Warehouse 1 to enable regional filtering within www.butterfly-monitoring.net
Source = https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gisco/geodata/reference-data/administrative-uni…
We need access to the [Exposure Data stored in EMIKAT](https://github.com/clarity-h2020/csis/issues/15#issuecomment-502713214). Currently it supports Population Exposure including ~age group distribut…
@johnvanbreda We also need a 'country' layer within the system to set roles at the country/monitoring scheme level, i.e. above the regional/NUTS 2 level.
@Gary-van-Breda how would this link to the ex…
As of October 23 2018 `get_eurostat_geospatial()` fails to download geodata from the Eurostat server and returns a 404 error. I checked on multiple, otherwise working, internet connections on differen…
We currently have the following roles:
@Gary-van-Breda please give an explanation of each role, and confirm which are needed for the Drupal 8 version #1
authenticated user
In trying to access Eurostat data on 6th November 2018, I have the same issue as @jschoeley had 13 days ago (23/10): get_eurostat_geospatial() fails to download geodata from the Eurostat server and re…