| | |
| Bugzilla Link | [PR42910](https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42910) |
| Status | NEW |
| Importance | P enhancemen…
got permanently banned use kbot
**_NVidia Geforce Experience version:_**
**Moonlight Embedded version:** 2.4.3
**Moonlight Embedded source:** _compiled from source_
**Moonlight Embedded running on:** _Vero 4K_
OSDBuilder version;
Update-OSMedia -execute -Name Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Desktop Experience x64 1809 17763.379 -Download
-Include SSU,LCU,DotNetCU,AdobeSU
I apologize ahead of time if the answer to this is located somewhere obvious that I've missed, but the datapipelines library has a pipelines module that is insanely verbose in its logging by default. …
Hi各位同学,俗话说“三人行,必有我师”,因此我们鼓励大家在整个学习期间,多多 Review 同班同学的代码并进行点评。在这个过程中:
1. 可能你会从其他同学的代码中学到一个更优的思路
2. 可能你会因为其他同学给你的评论启发新的灵感
3. 可能你的代码会得到大家纷纷的点赞
4. 有时候也可能因为其他小伙伴的一句“学习了”而备受鼓舞
“让优秀的人一起学习”,大家可以在互相 Re…
Is it possible to add the custom app to the focus assist priority list and would doing this making burnt toast notifications obey the focus assist rules?
_Originally posted by @Cenwulf in https://g…
**Tell us about your request**
Support the ability to use envoy's [zone aware routing](https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/faq/zone_aware_routing).
**Which integration(s) is this request f…
I forget where I got these from (maybe the 2008 JINST papers?) but I just remembered I downloaded a list of acronyms for the LHC and its experiments for the purpose of loading them into an IRC bot:
I'm having trouble in both Windows and MacOSX (Mountain Lion) with NDK 9c. Running the ndk-build command inside the project dir outputs the following to the console:
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL…