Hello! I am new to Radiomics and Segmentation. I have some dicom images depicting lung tissues. How can I manually segment the tissues and save a mask file for each dicom, in the supported format nrrd…
It exists in FlyBase
And we have a registered image
mmc46 updated
7 years ago
Hello there,
I am reading a segmentation (saved as .nrrd file) from Slicer to Matlab by using the nrrdread function
However, the s…
#Support for seven data type string aliases has been removed from np.dtype: int0, uint0, void0, object0, str0, bytes0 and bool8.
This is not an issue but more like a clarification.
We know Julia has really flexible axes / indexing system / coordinate system, as this [blog](https://julialang.org/blog/2017/04/offset-arrays) h…
The `fit_average_densities` command takes an indirect input which is `realigned_slices_ccfv2.json` via `fit_average_densities_ccfv2_config.yaml ` (see https://github.com/BlueBrain/atlas-densities/tree…
Input/output ports could be NRRDs. Module GUI could contain:
- path to Seg3D binary
- textedit for typing in Seg3D python commands directly.
Look at
- http://www.esrf.eu/UsersAndScience/Experiments/Imaging/ID19/microtomography/MatlabTools
to import vol (raw binary) and process.
Probably [MappedTensor](https://github.com/farhi/Mappe…
farhi updated
4 years ago
It can be found here in format .nrrd:
So far the resampling and aligning works well, but the…
The vtk particle files do not load in the same space as the segmentations.