When running offline Pupil detection and forcing the player main process to become unresponsive (long blocking call in main loop), Pupil data gets lost.
Side effect: the progress indicator never r…
from papr:
import msgpack
gaze_serialized = [msgpack.packb(gaze, use_bin_type=True) for gaze in gaze_list]
In order to addapt to their new style
Hi, We have had a classfull of pupils using x-ray googles. On two occasions on the same day several pupils were seeing the same remixed version (letters missing) of the goggles website https://gogg…
I'm on Windows 11 10.0.22621 with `Python 3.9.13` and using `pupil-apriltags 1.0.4.post8`, installed with pip in an anaconda environment.
When instantiating the detector, I get:
Miles updated the FoV calculation so now everything is feasible! yay!
# Option 1: Collimating lens before Miles' lens
I'm working on a project involving Pupil Labs eye movement detection, but with three screens instead of just one screen. Which function(s) should I modify to make this change?
Also, I was w…
I have encountered an issue with Pupil Labs software version 3.6.7. After compiling the software from source on an Ubuntu 20.04 system, the application fails to open.
# Prepare Models
* [x] add model `Score date:date result:number pupil:belongsTo classroom:belongsTo sport:belongsTo`
* [x] add model `Pupil name:string birthdate:date classroom:belongsTo`
* [x]…
### Describe the bug?
A. When using the Quest Pro with eye and face tracking, for some reason, when you scrunch up your eye (close them and keep them shut forcefully) it drives the pout gesture.