In our Registry interface, we have had an "image" service type for a long time. It has so far been a synonym for sia1. Now that our Registry discovery supports sia2, too, the question is what to do …
`Gallery buttons` on the left and right sides cannot display icons normally. The box symbol means that the icon is not loaded normally, right?
## Description
Vitess has its own in-built SQL-parser which it uses to understand the query and represent as structs for further processing. As of now, a lot of MySQL structs are not parsed and res…
This issues will be updated everytime someone made ID translation updates on wiki.
I took lists from #196 migrating from openmultiplayer/web#23
Hallo semuanya, disini aku meminta bantuan kalian un…
I used to be able to start the container like:
`docker run --env LICENSE=accept --env MQ_QMGR_NAME=QM1 --volume qm1data:/mnt/mqm --publish 1414:1414 --publish 9443:9443 --detach --env MQ_APP_PASSWORD…
I have installed this addon and configure it with my Google credentials but i am unable to use it.
When i want to start google music exp 1.10 with Kodi (17.0 beta1 on windows 10) it shows no…
possible dupe issue from another repo?
- label: meadow ecosystem
term: ENVO:00000108
- label: agriculture
term: ENVO:01001442
Currently the logs are handled manually with `console` messages. They should use our logger package to follow our usual display standards and logic.
roachtest.unoptimized-query-oracle/disable-rules=half/seed-multi-region [failed](https://teamcity.cockroachdb.com/buildConfiguration/Cockroach_Nightlies_RoachtestNightlyGceBazel/15916952?buildTab=log)…
# CSS - Cascading Style Sheets
層疊樣式表,又稱串樣式列表、級聯樣式表、串接樣式表、階層式樣式表,乃將 Style Sheet 的定義效果於瀏覽器中作“疊層" 顯示。(“Cascading”乃重疊之意),一種用來為結構化文件(如HTML文件或XML應用)添加樣式(字型、間距和顏色等)的電腦語言。
## 將 CSS 應用於 HTML 有三種不同的方…