The 2019 U.S. west coast Sablefish assessment says
> Added variances for discard rates and mean body weights were set using values calculated iteratively using the RMSE of differences between input …
Input sample size needs to be given more thought. 2020-10-21 PEP team meeting talked about best practices going forward. The methods may not be consistent across species because of life-history charac…
We are working on a generative model to identify new hits that bind the MurD allosteric pocket. This project is a collaboration between the [SBNB](https://sbnb.irbbarcelona.org/) and [Ersilia](https:/…
paper by Miller and Brooks advocates for using the "a", "b" formulation of SRR curves, rather than steepness, when there is time varying biology which affects the spawners per recruit calculation.
comment from @RickMethot on 2020-09-21:
In Spawn-Recruit, output is:
ERA N RMSE RMSE^2/sigmaR^2 mean_BiasAdj est_rho Durbin-Watson
main 51 0.499639 0.693441 1 0.117993 1.75467
early 10 0.…
The contributing instructions say "To compile the whole document, clone the repository and follow instructions for LaTeX compiling, applying them to SS330_User_Manual.tex" https://github.com/nmfs-stoc…
This looks like an awesome project, and I'd love to help you test it on my Raspberry Pi 2. Can I just download a regular release or do I need to do anything special?
As detailed in the [wiki](https://github.com/opensourceantibiotics/Series-2-Diarylimidazoles/wiki/Metabolic-Clearance-Data
), the metabolic clearance of compound **OSA_000822** was evaluated and foun…
sonification of DNA
[Link to Issues](https://github.com/nmfs-stock-synthesis/stock-synthesis/labels/Epic%3A%20Data%20weighting%20improvement)