## What feature should be added to Tachidesk?
Since https://github.com/tachiyomiorg/tachiyomi-extensions/issues/5672 is in progress, it would be useful if one can download mul…
Large kickstarter dataset is most restrictive so will match all other dfs to that.
Grrl Power blocks downloading too many pages in a specified time. if i could add an argument to sleep after each strip, that would probably fix it.
also, how do i run this from source? ./dosage …
This feature would come in handy.
Context and motive:
Say I have an RSS feed for new linux distros that are usually pretty big and I don't want them started automatically but definitely added to my…
Hey I notice for vgcats the xpaths are different compared to other webcomics, is there a way to make these work?
webcomix custom Vgcats --start-url="https://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=0" --ima…
Installed perfectly cleanly, but the immediate redirected page (`site.com/auth/login`) comes up as File Not Found? Navigating to `site.com/application/auth/login` gives the same message. What, uh. Wha…
Dosage doesn't download new comic if there already is one using the same filename(s). Perhaps local files could be stored with unique names (hash of original URL)?
> **From:** HakuNeko UserFatezuru
**Version:** [6.1.7@39507a](https://github.com/manga-download/hakuneko/commits/39507a)
Please add webcomics.com
What has been done?
Since ComicsKingdom now has [Sherman's Lagoon](https://www.shermanslagoon.com), [Dennis The Menace](http://www.dennisthemenace.com) and many other popular/old/generally good comics' websites redirecti…
I noticed the find_all_urls() function within urls.zeek seems to have problems correctly extracting some URLs.
I compared the regex with some failed test cases on RegExr:
url_regex = /^(…